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"Kiss and Tell", A Prevailing Attitude Among Nigerian Men

      Whether at a hangout, party, bar, work, an event or in our apartments with our friends, we get talking about issues, trying to catch up with one another. The talks may vary from trends to sports and right down to our personal issue depending how close we are. 
    "Men will always be men" no matter what part of the world they are found. Men have found a kind of special interest talking about their flirting conquest. This is usually common among single young men though some married men get involved. Men become kin and very focused when it comes to the "kiss and tell" discussion. 

     For the sake of clarity, Urban Dictionary  defines "kiss and tell" as the act of learning intimate secrets about one's sexual partner and, especially after a one night stand or breaking up, telling most everyone else what those secrets are. Usually explicit or kinky in nature.
     Nigerian men have not been left out and in fact the "kiss and tell" attitude is really prevailing among young Nigerian guys. They get to entertain their friends with stories of intimacy they had with different women. It's even more exciting when the lady involved is one who is the hard-to-get type. The boys want to hear how she was conquered and how the night tale happened. It's on this platform that guys tend to judge woman's character and her sexual performance level.  When the judgement goes in her favor, the guys will definitely award her some respect, otherwise, the guys look at her and term her the cheap and nothing-to-write-about woman.

    Social media has even amplified the rate at which these "kiss and tell" tales spread. It's not something new to wake up to some sex leak video. Rapidly all the blogs and TV shows have this sex leak video on their headlines. The live of the individual involved in such leaks is at the mercy of his/her mindset. Some may survive the sudden stardom and move on while the news of suicidal becomes emminent. 

   The "kiss and tell" attitude has caused more harm than good. More people loss their lives and self esteem in the process. It becomes very important to know the kind of person you intimately get involved with. Some people would do anything to get back at their partners and wouldn't mind using the nudes and sex video to blackmail them just to make sure their reputation is destroyed.  
    Conclusively, a gentleman is never suppose to kiss and tell. What happens in your relationship should remain a secret and never a discussion. If it is possible avoid the nudes and sex tapes. "Who says you can't have an extra ordinary sex experience without having to video it?", it NOT necessary . Respect the one another and keep your one night stand details to yourself. Let's make things right and save lives. 


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